The Voyagers H.O.M.E. (Helping Others Master English) ESL ministry has more than 75 adult students, new to Irvine from four continents. Most have never experienced an American Thanksgiving Dinner.
This is a way to love & welcome our neighbors!
How does it work?
- REGISTER HERE with your name and contact information.
- Indicate the date and time you can host a H.O.M.E. ESL family, and the maximum number of people.
- NOTE: Your meal does not have to be on Thanksgiving day.
- At the Friday November 11 H.O.M.E. ESL session, we will educate all of our ESL students about Thanksgiving and the underlying truth of God’s care for His children; and then invite them to sign up for a dinner hosted by a Voyagers household.
- We will match Voyager Hosts and ESL Student Families based on date, time, and size.
- When a match is made, we will send an e-mail to both parties, introducing you to each other.
What does my family do?
- Once you have been matched to an ESL student family, reach out to them by phone or email, confirming specifics of your dinner together.
- Pray for your ESL student family, and that your time together would exhibit the love and hospitality of Jesus.
- Prepare a Thanksgiving meal according to your family’s preferences (this does not have to be on Thanksgiving Day!).
- Welcome your ESL Student family to your home. Have dinner, share joy, and make new friends!
- We encourage you take photos and send them to Clarke Brogger, along with a story of your time together.
- For more information, contact Clarke at