

Men’s Discipleship Groups | Each of these groups meets weekly with a small group of like-minded men sharing life together, bible study, accountability, prayer, and encouragement.  Below are descriptions of the three types of Discipleship Groups we offer, each with their own unique features and emphasis.

Quest focuses on fellowship, discussions on God’s Word, and topical studies on aspects of the Christian life.  The selection of material is suited to the needs of the group. Quest groups allow men to join at any time and are the lowest commitment of time outside of the group meetings.

  • Sunday 7:30-8:45 am
  • Wednesday 6:30-8:00 am
  • Wednesday 6:30-8:00 pm
  • Thursday 6:30-8:00 am
  • Thursday 6:30-8:00 pm
  • Saturday 8:00-9:30 am

The Journey  Helping men develop an intimate abiding relationship of love and trust with Jesus Christ that will enable them to be Influencers for God in the world. The Journey emphasizes daily time with God and letting Him transform you by coming into His presence. You will be taught how to connect with God in His Word through journaling and applying His Word in your life on a daily basis. The importance of living in God’s presence is emphasized beginning in your home and expanding into the world.

  • Sunday 7:00-8:45 am
  • Beginning September 2024

The Navigators 2:7 Series reinforces what was learned in The Journey Groups by continued consistent daily time with God, but expands training and practice to include: How to share your story of salvation with those in your sphere of influence and training and practice on presenting the Gospel message and leading people to Christ.  Memorizing key Bible verses is a major feature of the Navigators 2:7 Series group’s 9-month curriculum.  You are trained, equipped, and encouraged to share God’s message of hope with the world. 

  • Sunday 7:00-8:45 am
  • Beginning September 2024

You can participate in any of these groups in any order, but if all are new concepts to you, and your schedule allows, start with The Journey and progress to the Navigator 2:7 Series.  The Journey and the Navigator 2:7 Series are both a 9-month commitment whose curriculum emphasizes preparing and equipping you as a disciple of God.  The Quest/Hard 60 groups emphasize fellowship with a lower commitment of time outside of the group meetings than the Journey or Navigators 2:7 Series groups.

Questions regarding signups for Discipleship Groups contact Chuck McCutchan, or 949-697-8826.

Questions about men’s ministry? Contact Brittan Burns.

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