Talking with God is our lifeline! We believe that prayer is the practical expression of dependence on God. It is the means by which we express our genuine trust in the power and sovereignty of the Lord rather than in our own abilities. Colossians 4:2 says, “Be devoted to prayer” and 1 Thessalonians 5:17 exhorts, “Never stop praying.”
Who Doesn’t Need Prayer?
We at Voyagers Bible Church take and make refuge: we take refuge in God and in one another, and we offer refuge to our brothers and sisters. One way we offer that refuge is by being available to pray with you every Sunday at the back of the sanctuary near the end of the worship service. Don’t leave the church campus on a Sunday morning wishing you’d been prayed for. The Voyagers Prayer Ministry wants to pray with you and for you! You can also email your prayer request to prayer@voyagers.org.
Pray with Us “At the Foot of the Cross”
On the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month, join us from noon to 1:00 p.m. or from 7:00-8:00 p.m. for prayer. We meet at the foot of the cross in the sanctuary.
Different people will lead, always relying on the Lord to determine the focus of the meeting. Whatever God and the week’s leader plan, know that we will always be available to pray for you, whatever your needs.
We can’t wait to pray with you on Wednesdays!
Worship Services
After the sermon, the pastor invites people to respond to God in prayer. While much of that prayer happens in the pews, the pastor does encourage worshippers to receive prayer at the sides of the sanctuary. Another option is to go to a prayer station at the sides of our sanctuary to write out a prayer of thanksgiving or to request prayer. Or email your request to prayer@voyagers.org
Prayer Warriors
Often people write out a prayer request or give thanks to God at our prayer stations during or at the end of our worship services. Others contact our pastors or the church office with their prayer requests. We email all these prayer requests as well as those we receive via email (prayer@voyagers.org) to our faithful Prayer Warriors who pray over each one throughout the week.
Prayer Training
We hope to offer occasional in-depth training for the church body to strengthen our understanding of prayer, to learn how to pray more effectively for others, and to experience greater intimacy with God.
Find Out More
If you’re interested in being part of our prayer ministry, please email Lisa Guest at lguest@voyagers.org.