

You are invited to join us on October 4-6 for our Mexico House Build Trip + Neighborhood Ministry.

The cost is $150.00 per person. All ages are welcome and minors must be accompanied by an adult. 

Questions? Contact Ken Prochnow, 


Global Missions

God has called Voyagers to be a church that partners with indigenous communities committed to living out the gospel in their unique contexts. Much more than short-term mission trips once a year, we are raising up communities to play an ongoing part in the ways God is moving in these countries.  Whether it’s a local prayer gathering or event, a mission trip, supporting our ministry partners, or more, stepping into these communities can happen at any time and in a variety of different ways.

Global Missions Update


Mazatlán Missions Trip

We thank the many people who prayed for our 5-day mission trip to Mazatlán, Mexico from April 20 to 24. It was an extraordinary trip, and we had an opportunity to see God working powerfully through Calvary Maranatha Church.  Voyagers helps sponsor Nancy Schipke who came from Voyagers and has been down in Mazatlán serving as a missionary for the last 5 years. Calvary Maranatha is only 7 years old but has already planted 4 daughter churches.

We got to know the people of Calvary Maranatha a few hours after landing, as we participated in a Thursday night Bible Study, with Anne Walton leading the women and Jim Walton leading the men. It was good to worship, study the word and share our lives before painting together with some of the congregation the next day.

On Friday morning we began sealing and then painting the outside of the church. God gave special strength to Andy Peck and Brian MacIntosh who were in the heat of the sun painting the upper level of the church building. Jen Peck, Nancy, Anne and Jim handled the lower sections. On Friday night, we participated in a leadership study for Maranatha East, one of the daughter churches.

By Saturday afternoon, we were able to efficiently complete painting the 2nd coat of paint and trim for the outside of the church. The excellent organization of Pastor Tony Carranza and Nancy Schipke helped to make this possible. We visited an authentic Mexican village outside of town for lunch, that included playing a quick game of soccer with the local kids. 

On Saturday afternoon, a couple from the church invited us to go on board a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) sponsored Medical Missions ship that should be launched in a few months. They also took us on a sunset cruise on an associated large sailboat. What a treat!

The bi-lingual Sunday morning church service was full of anticipation and excitement as 5 people got baptized.  During the service, 3 people accepted Christ and we joined the angels in rejoicing.  Afterwards we saw some of the city sights.

On Sunday night we traveled via a water-taxi to attend the evening service at another daughter Church.  Pastor Tony filled in for the pastor who was on his Honeymoon.  The service included many young people serving with YWAM. We were excited to see how integral Nancy Schipke is to all of the different churches and how much she is loved and appreciated. Pastor Tony personally drove us essentially everywhere allowing of us to move very efficiently.

On Monday, we returned safely to Irvine, so very thankful to God for His protection, for everyone’s good health and the privilege being used by Him to support and encourage our Christian brothers and sisters in Mazatlán.  

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