
Local Outreach

Voyagers Local Outreach (V.L.O.) provides local opportunities to put your faith into action by loving our neighbors in Jesus’ Name.  Partnering with other churches and organizations, we are committed to identifying real needs in our community and responding in tangible ways.  Jesus himself came not to be served, but to serve (Matthew 20:28), and we follow His example. If you are interested in joining any of these projects, simply contact the person listed with the organization below, or click on the project title to sign up!

Safe Families

Our Local Outreach team is partnering with Safe Families, an OC-based ministry committed to serving families in crisis by partnering with the local church, where families open their homes and lives to vulnerable children. It’s an incredible opportunity for us to change the course of many families’ lives under duress. To find out more, make sure to see the ministry video on May 16, and then on May 23, we will have a presentation during the service and a Q&A session afterward. Contact Leanne Prochnow with any questions.


Caring Neighbors

Caring Neighbors Ministry puts together teams to help elderly neighbors with handy-man, painting, yardwork, repairs and other needed work around their homes.


Contact Lee Kovacs.

(714) 654-8273



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