As we’ve reached the end of our time with the Voyagers at Home online gatherings, let’s reflect on some of the things we’ve been able to experience together as a church and individually in our relationships with the Lord.
What were some of your favorite parts about the Voyagers at Home online gatherings?
What were some things that you missed about our Sunday morning campus gatherings?
What are some things that you, personally or collectively as a church, think needs to continue as we head back to a new normal?
What are some things that God has revealed to you that need to be eliminated about the way you view church or gather as His body?
This morning let’s spend some time preparing our hearts to approach our Sunday morning church gatherings with a fresh perspective and a renewed sense of gratitude for the God that we get to worship, regardless of what is going on in the world around us.
Worship at Home
To Ponder for the Pulpit
Read Hebrews 10:19-25.
The Early church was known to follow “The Way” (Acts 9:2; 19:9, 23; 22:4; 24:14, 22). What are some distinguishing features of the Way?
Process what you heard from the Pulpit
Consider these beautiful characteristics: faith, hope and love. Which one(s) can you grow in?
What are some real-life examples of love that you strive to emulate?
What do you miss most about gathering together in person as a church?